En riktigt rå film om den ryska maffian i London. Viggo Mortensen spelar hård ryss som räddar dagen. Hur kommer det sig att ryssar kommit framställas som så hårda?
En av de råaste filmer jag sett, i stil med Lilja 4-ever men mer våld och mindre våldtäkt. Lilja 4-ever är för övrigt en av få filmer jag önskar att jag aldrig sett och det beror mest på att filmen visar upp en så äcklig sida av mänskligheten. Här är ett utdrag ifrån IMDBs "parentalguide" för Eastern Promises, jag skulle gissa att den räknas som barnförbjuden:
Sex & Nudity
One scene contains several uses of the 'f' word in a sexual context. A character has sex with a underaged prostitute (breasts shown; man thrusting from behind), and she's seen fully nude afterwards (her stomach is blocking her vulva). A man fights 2 henchman while being fully nude, you see quick flashes of his genitals several times.
Violence & Gore
There is very brutal, graphic and bloody violence in this film. Men are stabbed, throats are slit. One particular scene involves graphic male nudity during a knife fight, and the man in nude is shown being sliced up during th fight. There is also very grisly aftermath to brutal killings, and all the violence in this film is shown in grisly, bloody detail. There are references to a brutal rape, and blood from a girl's vaginal area drips onto the floor in a pharmacy.
30 uses of the 'f' word in both English and Russian--with English subtitles--including several instances of the term used to refer to a sexual act. Multiple uses of scatalogical and anatomical terms, and other profanities, in both English and Russian--with English subtitles. Pejoratives and racial epithets are also used, including the term "queer" used approximately 12 times.
There are explicit references to heroin and other drug use, including injection drug use. Several characters drink heavily throughout the movie, including drinking to the point of intoxication. Many of the characters smoke cigarettes, and one character extinguishes his cigarette on his own tongue.
Frightening/Intense Scenes
The film's infrequent, but incredibly graphic violence may be too frightening for easily traumatized or squeamish viewers. Sections of the girls diary, when narrated, are describing disturbing instances of rape and sexual torture. An extended and incredibly bloody fight scene also takes place between two attackers and a nude man.
1 kommentar:
Jag har också sett filmen, den är riktigt bra. Filmen är dock inte orättvis mot ryssar i allmänhet eftersom enbart maffian gestaltas. en varierad bild av ryssar kan man läsa i Dostojevskis litteratur. För en rysk historiebeskrivning kan jag rekommendera Geoffrey Hoskings.
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